ITGlue Document Import for sFTP Server

Exporting Data Out of ITGlue

You must first export your data out of your ITGlue instance before you can import it into         CrushBank. While this process will export all data (there is no option to export only documents), the import process will only import the documents and attachments and will link them to the Organizations that have already been imported into CrushBank via the API.

  1. Click on the Admin menu option in the top menu of your ITGlue website. 

    ITGlue export new pic
  2. From the menu on the left, select Export Data (about half-way down)

    ITGlue export field
  3. Select Entire Account then hit Start Export- we need the full file when importing into the system so we can reference what organization the documents and attachments are linked to. 

Note: the zip file can't be encrypted when importing it into CrushBank 

4.  The full account export will take some time to prepare. You will get an email from ITGlue when it’s done. You can either download it from the email you get from ITGlue directly or go back to the Exports page and select View Exports then download to save the .zip file locally. 

5.  Follow the sFTP Data import to learn how to import your ITGlue file into CrushBank