CrushBank Neuro

Overview of CrushBank Neuro

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What it Does

CrushBank Neuro allows the end user to essentially chat with their organization’s documentation and extract answers to a variety of questions. Instead of having to query documentation for relevant results and then dig through each document for the answer, Neuro extracts the exact answer for you.

How it Works

All of the documentation within your organization’s data lake is broken down into chunks and indexed in a vector db. When a user asks a question, Neuro searches across the vector database and extracts the most relevant chunks pertaining to the question. It then embeds those chunks along with the question within a finely tuned prompt and passes that to a large language model for processing which in turn generates the detailed answer.

How to Use

Neuro is accessible via Teams. Your organization must have a CrushBank account in order to use Neuro, and each Neuro user must have a CrushBank account. Once your organization installs the Teams app, you simply access the app within Teams or and type in your questions.

CrushBank Neuro Teams App Setup

Tips & Tricks

  • Neuro leverages generative AI, which assesses each word in your question.  It will then use multiple documents to formulate its response.  Sometimes, these documents may not be directly related to the key words in your query.  For example, if you ask "How do I set up VPN for Alpha Baking Company?", it may use documents related to VPN for another client to formulate its language around VPN.  This is expected behavior.