ITGlue API Creation

How to create an API key to ingest your ITGlue data into CrushBank

  1. Click on Admin > Settings> API Keys2024-11-19_16-51-43
  2. Click on the + on the right under the other API Keys that are created
  3. Enter a name for the API Key and click on Generate API Key
  4. Copy the API Key (this will be the last time you can see the full API Key)
  5. Currently ITGlue doesn't have an API call for us to pull documents and attachments into the system through the API. As a workaround we can pull an export from your ITGlue and import the documents and attachments. For this to happen we will need the Password Access checkbox selected. 
     Password Access ITGlue
    1.  If you aren't interested in this you can upload your own file to our sFTP server 
  6. Send the following information to the CrushBank member you are working with
    1. API Key
    2. ITGlue URL

If you limit what IP's can access your ITGlue please add our IP's under IP Access Control in ITGlue