How do I talk to Neuro?

Neuro is CrushBank's AI chatbot. Think of it as a research librarian ... ask it a question and it retrieves an answer from the documents, configurations, and tickets your company has ingested into CrushBank.

Question Flow

  1. Ask a good question in Neuro, which starts by querying your Configurations and Documents. If you ask a good question and the answer exists in your data, Neuro will bring that back for you.
    1. Example: “How do I install Quickbooks for ClientA?”
  2. Ask a follow-up question. Neuro remembers your history of questions (until you click “New Topic”).
    1. Example: “What about for ClientB?”
  3. If Neuro comes back and says it couldn’t find an answer to your question, click “Query Tickets” to send your question against your tickets.
  4. If “Query Tickets” finds the answer, click on “Documentation Request” and ask for the solution Neuro generate to be added to your documentation!
  5. If “Query Tickets” doesn’t find an answer, you have a couple options
    1. Reframe your question … add more context, an error message, etc.
    2. Search the internet … if you find a great answer, submit a Documentation Request!
  6. Click on “New Topic” to start a new conversation with Neuro

Ask Good Questions

It’s very important to ask Neuro well-formed questions. You’ll get a far better answer than if you try to use Neuro as a keyword search. If you asked for help with a technical issue from someone at your company, you wouldn’t simply say “firewall IP address”. The other person wouldn’t know what you were talking about! However, if you asked “What’s the IP address of the WAN port on the ClientA firewall”, your colleague would understand you. Neuro works the same way.

Also, only ask one question at a time! If you want to ask two questions, ask one and then a follow-up using multi-turn.


Every MSP has its own language … abbreviations for software, acronyms for clients, etc. However, how you refer to items in notes or tickets might be different than how they’re referenced in your documentation. Neuro calls those “synonyms”. You need to help teach Neuro how you speak in order to bring back better answers. Give your CrushBank Admin suggestions of synonyms to have them communicated to your CrushBank Account Manager.

  • Examples: QB = QuickBooks, PDCBC = Pretty Darn Cool Baking Company, etc.

What Not To Ask:

  • Neuro can’t (yet) do math or make lists. Don’t ask it “How many tickets did ClientA open in October” or “What’s the most recent password reset ticket for ClientB.” This feature is coming in early 2025.
  • Neuro can’t (yet) go out to the internet to find answers. It ONLY has access to your data, so if you ask it a question that isn’t in your data lake, it’ll tell you it doesn’t have the information. Submit a Documentation Request to fill the gap! The ability to search the internet using Neuro is coming in early 2025.
  • Remember, don’t use Neuro as a keyword search! See Example 1 below.


Here are two real-world examples of clients that asked bad questions of Neuro and got bad answers. When they asked better questions, they got better answers!

  1. One of our clients asked Neuro “ClientA outlook add-in”. Neuro didn’t come back with a great response:

         "The text provided does not contain information about a ‘ClientA Outlook Add-in.’ However, it does mention ClientA-APP05, which is likely an SMTP server used for scan to email functionality. If you are referring to an Outlook add-in specifically, I would need more information about its features and functionality.”

    We then tried a good question “How do I install the Outlook add-in for ClientA”. Neuro came back with a far better answer!
  2. Another client asked a similar keyword query “get/escl/scannerstatus”. Again, Neuro did not come back with a great answer

         “The query ‘get/escl/scannerstatus’ is not a standard or widely recognized command for a scanner. It is likely specific to a particular scanner or scanner management software. Without more context or information about the device and software in question, it is not possible to provide a detailed response. However, I can provide some general guidance on how to retrieve scanner status information.”

    When we improved the question to read “What is the command to retrieve the scanner status from an Epson scanner using ESCL?”, we again got a far better answer.

         “The command to retrieve the scanner status from an Epson scanner using ESCL is ‘ESCL SCAN STATUS’. This command displays the current status of the scanner, including information about any pending scans or errors.”

Get Support / Give Feedback
Neuro is always learning, and can be improved!  Please send your feedback or issues to

  • If Neuro doesn't give you an answer you expect but you know the data is in your repositories, include a screenshot of your question with Neuro's response, the URL to the target documentation, and a screenshot of that documentation. 
  • If Neuro can't answer a question you ask but you would like it to be able to, please send the details of your question and where it would find the information.