Release 2023.10 (10/18)

Summary of new features in this release.

  1. Ticket and Resolution Summarization
  2. BugZero

Ticket and Resolution Summarization

CrushBank now offers the ability to summarize ticket descriptions and time entries in your ConnectWise system. Many times tickets will get created via a forwarded email thread and will include lots of back and forth not related to the issue itself along with additional noise including email signatures and disclaimers. As a technician working on the ticket, it would be much easier to access the ticket and immediately see the true issue. CrushBank does just that.

The following security module will need to be updated for Summarization to write back into ConnectWise: Time and Expense > Time Entry> Add Level set to All

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 8.27.25 AM

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 8.27.36 AM

As you can see from the ticket above, the first image is the description which includes all the image text from the email signature and is very noisy. The actual issue is buried within all the text. The second image illustrates how CrushBank will summarize the ticket contents, and then post the summary back as an internal note on the ticket.

CrushBank will also summarize all the time entries on the ticket and extract resolution from the time entries when the ticket is closed.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 8.33.30 AM

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 8.33.49 AM

The first image above shows the time entries on a particular ticket. Only the latest time entry details the steps taken to resolve the issue.. the other time entries were just information gathering and troubleshooting attempts. As you can see in the second image, CrushBank extracts just the steps to resolve the issue and posts it to ConnectWise as a resolution internal note.

*Note: Ticket and Resolution summarization will only work on tickets that are currently being ingested into CrushBank per the settings in your CW / CrushBank integration.


CrushBank now integrates with BugZero giving your technicians access to the latest operational bugs across the following vendors.

  1. Cisco
  2. F5
  3. Fortinet
  4. HPE
  5. Microsoft
  6. Palo Alto Networks
  7. Red Hat
  8. SonicWall
  9. Veeam
  10. VMware
  11. WatchGuard

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 8.50.00 AM

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 8.50.11 AMIn the first image above, you can see the BugZero information found within the public tile. The second image illustrates how a bugZero document will appear within CrushBank.

With this addition, CrushBank now offers integrations with all its clients to the following public documentation:

  1. Stack Exchange
  2. Microsoft Documents
  3. BugZero