Release 2024.12 (12/18/2024)

Summary of New Features in this release

  1. Additional Settings and Filters for smartClassifier
  2. Ingest Domain Data from IT Glue
  3. Document Library filter for Sharepoint Integration
  4. Summarization Enhancements
  5. Slack for CrushBank Neuro

Additional Setting and Filters for smartClassifer

CrushBank has added additional filters for smartClassifier. You can now also filter by Type and Source.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 8.51.52 AM

Furthermore, a setting to ignore tickets that have already been classified was added as shown in the checkbox in the screenshot above.

Ingest Domain Data from IT Glue

CrushBank now offers the ability to ingest Domain data from IT Glue into your data lake.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 9.10.02 AM

Simply check the Domains box in the IT Glue integration form under Import Types to activate it.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 10.05.31 AM

Document Library Filter for SharePoint Integration

CrushBank now allows you to only bring in documents from certain document libraries in your SharePoint collection. You can manage this in your SharePoint integration form as seen below.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 9.22.46 AM

Summarization Enhancements

CrushBank has split the Ticket Summarizer setting in two so now you can choose weather you want to summarize Tickets, Resolutions (Time Entries), or both. You can enable these in your company form when you click Admin.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 9.23.38 AM

Furthermore, we have updated the LLM used in Summarizations for improved summaries.

Slack for Neuro

You can now access CrushBank Neuro via Slack.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 8.55.58 AM

To setup, use the links below for your appropriate region to install the app into you workspace.

  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. EU
  4. APAC