Monday, July 18, 2022

Summary of new features in this release.

  1. Item Classifier
  2. Auto Configure Classifier

Item Classifier

CrushBank now offers the ability to classify item along with type and subtypes automatically for your CW tickets.

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Within each service board in the ticket classifier admin page, you will see an area to map your types (and subtypes) along with an area to map your items.

*Please note - The concepts we use to map for item are based on the IT Service Model and include the following:

  1. Install
  2. Change
  3. Failure
  4. Password
  5. Remove

Auto Configure Ticket Classifier

CrushBank now offers the ability to auto configure and map your ticket classifier based on the IT Service Model template. This removes the burden of having to manually map all your Type, Subtypes, and Items to the CrushBank concepts.

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When on a service board in the ticket classifier admin section, you will see an auto configure option in the upper right. Clicking this will explain how the auto configure works and will provide you with the template to view before initiating the process.

*Please note - using this option will remove your existing type, subtypes, and items on the service board and replace them with our model.

After the process is complete, you will have a new set of types, subtypes, and items based on our IT Service Model template, and all of them will be automatically mapped to our concepts. This takes all the burden of the initial mapping setup away with a one click setup option.

Your API member role will need to have All, Edit and Delete Level for the following security module

  • System> Table Setup (under customize- Service/ Service Board also needs to be set to Allow)