Friday, June 17, 2022

Summary of new features in this release.

  1. Custom Documents
  2. Ticket Classifier UI Changes

Custom Documents

CrushBank now allows the ability to upload custom documents up to 500 MB. This can be a set of individual documents and / or a zip file containing a set of documents.

To access, click on the upload icon on the top nav bar.

Screen Shot 2022-06-16 at 12.33.15 PM

You will then be presented with the following screen allowing you the option to upload a url or a file. Select the file option and then add individual files including zip files.

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Ticket Classifier UI Changes

We have made some UI changes to the Ticket Classifier admin screen for an improved UI experience. You can now select your service board from a drop down and no longer have to scroll through the tabs to select your service board. Furthermore, there is now only one status selector where you choose all the statuses that you want classification to occur at.

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