CrushBank Neuro! Teams Integration (Beta)

Summary of steps to setup Teams integration with your CrushBank Neuro!


This is currently a limited release. Please reach out to your CrushBank contact before setting this up. 

NOTE: The account used to do all of the setup must be an M365 Global Admin AND have a valid M365 license assigned to it.  You will not be able to publish your application if the account does not have a license assigned to it.

Create the App Registration in Azure Portal

  1. Go to the Microsoft Azure portal, and log in with your admin credentials.

  2. On the App registrations page, click New registration.

  3. On the Register an application page, enter a name, select the multi-tenant option that applies to your app, and then click Register.

    1. Note: you MUST choose multi-tenant or the application will not work.
  4. On the same Microsoft Azure Overview page, click the hyperlink Add a certificate or secret next to Client Credentials.
  5. On the Certificates & secrets page for token creation, click New client secret. Enter a description and then select Recommended 180 days. Click Add. Copy the Value to send to CrushBank.

  6. Azure SSO Client Value
  7. Copy the Application ID from the Overview page. 
  8. Azure SSO Client ID
  9. Send the Application ID and Value to the CrushBank team member you are working with. 

Create Your Bot

  1. Go to the Microsoft Bot Framework developer portal, and log in with your admin credentials.

  2. On the Tell us about your bot page, complete your bot profile.

  3. CrushBank will send you a messaging endpoint and paste it into the Messaging endpoint field of the Configuration section.

  4. Select Multi-Tenant as the app type.

  5. Copy and paste your app ID from Step 4 in the App Registration section above, and then click Register.

  6. Schema Transformation Version should be set to V1.0 
  7. Test your bot by clicking on Test in the upper right and ask a sample question to make your you get a response.
    1. Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 10.33.35 AM
  8. On the Connect to channels page, click Configure Microsoft Teams channel in the Add a featured channel section.

  9. On the Configure Microsoft Teams page, specify options in the MessagingCalling, and Publish tabs that fit your bot needs, and then click Save.

Create Your Teams App

  1. Go to the Microsoft Teams Developer Portal, and log in with your admin credentials.

  2. On the Apps tab, click New App.

  3. Enter a name, and click Add. (Eg. CrushBank Neuro!)

  4. On the Basic information page, fill out the following fields: 

    1. Short Description: CrushBank Neuro! answers your questions using your own private data.
    2. Long Description: CrushBank Neuro! interactively answers your questions using a private data lake containing all of your documents, configurations and information stores.  It uses a combination of natural language processing and information retrieval techniques to generate responses based on a both structured and unstructured data.  It is consistent, trustworthy and easy to use.
    3. Developer or Company Name: CrushBank
    4. Website:
    5. Privacy Policy:
    6. Terms of Use:
    7. Application (client) ID: You application Client ID from the App Registration in Step 4 above.
  5. In the Configure section, select Branding and then click on the Color icon.
    1. Select upload an image and upload the attached file. CrushBank Icon
  6. In the Configure section, select App features, and then Bot.

    1. NOTE: If this step is missed, there will be no "Add" button for the app in Teams
  7. On the Identify your bot page, select the bot you created.

  8. In the Select the scope in which people can use this command section, select PersonalTeam, and Group Chat.

  9. Click Save, but keep the window open.

Click Publish to publish your bot.

  1. Publish to your org
    1. Will automatically add it to your org and show as Built for your org when internal users click on apps in Teams.
  2. Download App Package
    1. Will download a zip file which you can then upload into Teams by going to apps -> manage your apps -> Upload an app

Publish Your Teams App

  1. Go to  Teams Admin Portal
  2. On the left-hand menu, click on "Teams Apps"
  3. Click on "Manage Apps"
  4. On the right-hand side, search for "CrushBank Neuro", and click on it
  5. Click on the "Publish" button
  6. Search for "CrushBank Neuro" again, and click on it
  7. Click on the "Permissions" tab
  8. Click on "Grant Admin Consent"
    1. Depending on your level of access, you may need to ask the owner of your M365 tenant to Grant Admin Consent before you can continue
  9. Approve in the window that pops up 
  10. Click on "Users and groups"
  11. Click on "Edit Availability"
  12. On the right-hand side, click on "Everyone", then choose "Specific users and groups"
  13. Add the users who should have access to CrushBank Neuro
    1. You can also choose to create a security group, add users to that group, and grant that group access to the app
  14. Click "Apply" at the bottom of the screen

Add CrushBank Neuro in Teams

  1. Open Microsoft Teams
  2. Click on the Apps icon on the left-hand side of the screen
  3. Click on "Built for your org"
  4. Click on the "CrushBank Neuro" app
    1. (If you see a "CrushBank Integration", this is unrelated)
    2. Note: It can take from a few minutes to a few hours for this to be available in this section
    3. Click on "Add"
  5. You can now use CrushBank Neuro!