CrushBank Neuro! Slack Integration (Beta)

Steps to get Neuro working with Slack.

  1. Go to to view your current Slack Apps. You will either need to use an existing one or create a new one.
  2. In your app, click the OAuth & Permissions.
    1. Scroll down to the scopes and make sure it has the following:
      1. app_mentions:read
      2. chat:write
      3. im:history
      4. im:read
      5. im:write
  3. Click Install App to Workspace, and then allow the installation when prompted.
  4. From the Slack settings App Home page, enable the Always Show My Bot As Online setting.
  5. Go to the OAuth and Permissions page in Slack, copy the Bot User OAuth Access Token and send it to CrushBank support.
  6. On the Slack app settings page, go to the Basic Information page, and then find the App Credentials section. Copy the app credential verification token and send it to CrushBank support.
  7. CrushBank support will use the two items above to generate a Request Url which they will provide to you.
  8. Click on Event Subscriptions, turn on Enable Events, and then paste the Request URL given to you by support.
  9. On the Event Subscriptions page in Slack, find the Subscribe to Bot Events section. Click Add Bot User Event, and then select the event types you want to subscribe to. You must select at least one of the following types:
    1. Listens for message events that are posted in a direct message channel.
    2. app_mention: Listens for only message events that mention your app or bot. (*Not the one in bold)
  10. Click Save Changes.